Remember your favorite sandwich as a kid? You know, the one that your mother served you without the crust and was smothered in delicious marmalade, nut butter, and wild berry sauce. This poem is inspired by the moments when I was younger and pulled a delicious sandwich out from my lunch bag at school, while everyone else had snack cakes or fruit roll ups. Nothing beats a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Thank you Karin Gustafson for this memory inducing challenge over at Imaginary Toads! Enjoy!
"Classic Peanut Butter and Jelly" Image: IGN Thread
So creamy and desirable, you drive me nuts
Not so much coo-coo for cocoa puffs
More like "would you like wine or peanuts, sir."
A honey stricken delicacy dripping
Upon the buds of a novelty restaurant:
62 West Barker Street; the Hidden Pantry.
Sherlock would be jealous of your perfections;
a colada of wild berries and peaches,
smothered in a nutty hazelnut blanket,
atop two soft mattresses of wheat and rye.
Buds jumping up and down like children,
Shouting on repeat, "its peanut butter jelly time."
Misterwives' song "Vagabond" truly grasped me surprisingly one day, and ever since I've been listening to this song on loop. It seems to speak so much to me in so many different ways. In fact, it inspired me to write this poem that reflects my own personal struggles. I hope that this song and poem helps you embrace the clarity that it provided me. It really is a blessing to have a good sense of music, and have something that can inspire someone to do better.